Smell Above All: Where the Nose Meets Technology

September 20, 2024

We are excited to announce the success of our event "Smell Above All: Where the Nose Meets Technology" 🌍! Last week, over 100 attendees from around the world gathered to celebrate the achievements of the EPSRC/NIHR-funded Smell Care Project 👃💡 

The event featured dynamic discussions, live demonstrations, and invaluable insights from participants, academics, clinicians, and industry partners. Special thanks to our keynote speakers: Chef Jozef Youssef from Kitchen Theory and UCL Engineering Dean, Nigel Titchener-Hooker, for their inspiring contributions. 

This project owes its success to the incredible support of our partners: OW Smell Made Digital (special thanks to Emanuela Maggioni, Viktor Pešek, and Richard Hopper), Fifth Sense (with heartfelt gratitude to Duncan Boak and his team), and Future Care Capital (thank you, Lauren Evans). A big thanks also to our academic and clinical partners at the University of East Anglia, especially Carl Philpott and Sanjoli Mathur, as well as Matt Lechner and Ava Fatah gen. Schieck at UCL. We would also like to extend our deepest appreciation to our outstanding Research Fellows, Ceylan Beşevli and Giada Brianza, who are driving this groundbreaking research. 

We were honored to host our collaborators from Tohoku University, Yoshifumi Kitamura and Assoc. Prof. Chia-Huei Tseng, who traveled from Japan to foster a cross-cultural dialogue on smell care through the UCL-TU strategic partnership. 

To further immerse the audience, the event organized an interactive session filled with live demonstrations, exploring the intersection of technology, clinical practice, and citizen science. Highlights of the demo session included: 

Photographs from the Smell Above All Interactive Session featuring smell-related demos.

Together, we explored the essential role of smell in a digitalized world, emphasizing its impact on health, wellbeing, and quality of life. We remain dedicated to promoting a culture of smell care through academic, public, and policy engagement activities. SmellCare exemplifies how innovation, technology, and collaboration can create meaningful change!

Seminar with Andreas Keller - 'The Varieties of Olfactory Experience' 

September 23, 2024

We are delighted to have hosted Andreas Keller, a New York-based academic and gallerist specializing in the sense of smell, for an engaging seminar entitled 'The Varieties of Olfactory Experience.'  Keller explored the embodied nature of scent, emphasizing how our interactions with the physical world shape our olfactory experiences. From the transfer of odor molecules during a handshake to the scent of a flower or the flavors released while chewing, Keller highlighted how these diverse sampling behaviors are mirrored in the creative work of artists specializing in scent. The seminar offered rich insights into the intersection of science, scent, and art.

Smell Care at the UCLIC Outreach Day

August 14, 2024

The Smell Care Team recently participated in another outreach activity, showcasing our digital smell training and highlighting the importance of caring for our sense of smell to a young audience. Over 40 students from A-COMPS and In2Science attended a summer school at UCL, where they had the chance to hear from our researchers about why it's crucial to protect and actively train our sense of smell. The event was a great success, sparking curiosity and engaging discussions with many thoughtful questions from the attendees.

Celebrating olfactory technology at the UCL Festival of Engineering

July 18, 2024

The Smell Care team, in collaboration with our project partner OWidgets - Smell Made Digital, showcased the smell delivery device at the UCL Festival of Engineering. This event celebrated the 150th anniversary of UCL's engineering science faculty and highlighted cutting-edge innovations, addressing humanity's biggest challenges and inspiring new perspectives on the world around us. The festival was vibrant and well-attended, attracting visitors from industry and academia. Among the attendees were the Provost and President of UCL, who personally experienced our digital smell training. We extend our heartfelt thanks to the organizers and all visitors for the engaging and insightful discussions on smell and olfactory technology.

Multisensory Extended Reality - Summer School XRTX 2024

July 11, 2024

Our primary investigator recently participated in the International Summer School on eXtended Reality Technology and eXperience in Madrid, Spain. She delivered a talk titled "The Role of Multisensory Experiences in Extended Reality: Unlocking the Power of Smell," where she shared her vision for the future of multisensory human-computer interfaces and showcased emerging technologies and devices. The summer school, attended by postgraduate students, PhD students, and researchers, featured practical sessions, poster presentations, and industry and research panels, fostering a collaborative environment for advancing the field of extended reality.

Smell Care at UK Semiochemistry Network Meeting

July 9, 2024

Cambridge recently hosted the UK Semiochemistry Network Meeting, an interdisciplinary gathering of professionals interested in chemical communication and detection. The event featured presentations and discussions on the latest research and developments in the field. We had the opportunity to present our work on Smell Care. The meeting also provided a valuable platform for networking with leading researchers and experts dedicated to advancing the understanding of chemical signals. 

Memories and Smell- Smell Care at Memory Work Exhibition 

July 5, 2024

We are thrilled to be part of the Memory Work Exhibition at UCL East. This exhibition at UCL Urban Room explores key questions about the past and future of urban living through the lens of memory and presents various creative approaches to engaging research. Our work with Smell Care has its own corner, where we share insights from our study on smell disorders and memories. The exhibition runs from 5 July to 16 August 2024 and is open Monday to Saturday, 10:00 – 18:00. Find out more here.

Smell Above All - Smell Care at DIS 2024

July 4, 2024

Our paper 'Smell Above All: Envisioning Smell-Centred Future Worlds' was presented at the Designing Interactive Systems Conference in Copenhagen, Denmark. This year's conference theme, 'Why design?' explored works that reimagine or critique conventional forms of designing, advocating for undisciplined, playful, open, and pluriversal design approaches. In that spirit, our paper introduces new perspectives on caring for the sense of smell and imagines novel relationships with ourselves, our societies, and the environment through olfactory experiences. You can read it here.

The Making Sense Garden - Smell Care at RHS Hampton Court Garden Festival

June 22, 2024

Our project partner, Fifth Sense, collaborated with Scouarnec and Pease-Cox Garden Design on a garden exhibited at the RHS Hampton Court Palace Garden Festival. This sensory garden prioritizes sight, touch, and sound while highlighting the vital role smell plays in connecting us to gardens and outdoor spaces. We represented the Smell Care Project, showcased our prototype, and discussed the importance of smell with the visitors. The garden won the People's Choice Award!

Smell Care at ISOT 2024

June 22, 2024

Our work 'Smell Memories: Exploring Memories through Digital Olfactory Training' was presented at the 19th International Symposium on Olfaction and Taste at Reykjavík, Iceland. The event featured a range of outstanding symposium talks, research presentations, and posters covering topics from chemosensory perception in humans to studies on vertebrates. 

Smell Care in Japan

June 12, 2024

As part of the UCL-Tohoku University Strategic Partner Fund 2023, our team recently visited Sendai, Japan, for the project 'A Cross-Cultural Dialogue on the Potential of the Sense of Smell for Health and Wellbeing.' During our visit, we conducted a workshop on the future of smell with Japanese participants and look forward to sharing our insights soon.

Our Principal Investigator, Marianna Obrist, delivered a seminar on Multisensory Experiences. We also had the privilege of touring the lab and meeting researchers at RIEC Center who are focusing on non-verbal communication and smell. The visit was highly fruitful, filled with stimulating discussions and ideas for future collaborations!

Smell Care at Smell and Taste Disorders Symposium

May 31, 2024

We were thrilled to join the Smell and Taste Disorders Symposium organized by the University of East Anglia and Fifth Sense. The event provided valuable insights from patients, researchers, and clinicians worldwide. We also shared updates on our project and showcased our prototype. We're excited for next year's event!

Smell Care at International Olfactory Display Workshop Event

May 8, 2024

International researchers in olfactory technology recently gathered for the Olfactory Display Workshop from the UK, Italy, Sweden, and Japan. Led by Takamichi Nakamoto from the Tokyo Institute of Technology and Nathan Cohen from the University of the Arts London, the workshop aimed to explore the frontiers of olfactory display. We presented our Smell Care Project in the morning, followed by an afternoon of dynamic prototype demonstrations. We extend our gratitude to the organizers and researchers for the insightful discussions!

Funding from UCL's Grand Challenge of Mental Health & Wellbeing Network and Community Building

February 26, 2024

Our project proposal, 'Enhancing Smell Culture Awareness through Community Building and Public Engagement,' has just secured funding from UCL's Grand Challenge of Mental Health & Wellbeing Network and Community Building funding call! This milestone highlights our commitment to advocating for the importance of scent awareness and community engagement.

Smell Care at UCL's Early Career Researcher Festival

February 16, 2024

We presented our Smell Care research at the Early Career Researcher Festival hosted by UCL's Institute of Healthcare Engineering (IHE). The event featured keynote speakers engaged in cutting-edge research and industry advancements in healthcare engineering, along with presentations from early career researchers. We thank the organizers for facilitating an environment conducive to networking and collaboration.

BADU x Smell Care 

January 24, 2024

We recently had the privilege of engaging with middle-school and high-school students from underprivileged communities, recruited from the vibrant BADU community, to explore the profound significance of the sense of smell and delve into our digital smell training research. We hosted an interactive workshop around the sense of smell, including technology demos and speculative design activities, sparking further interest in the topic and subsequent discussions. We extend our gratitude to the wonderful students and BADU, as well as the organizers from the Institute of Healthcare Engineering at UCL.

Exciting Start to 2024: Bartlett Architecture Research Fund Secured

December 2, 2023

We're thrilled to announce that our proposal, 'Smell Culture Futuring: Probing Future Research Framework for the Built Environment and Wellbeing,' has secured funding from the UCL Bartlett Architecture Research Fund. Stay tuned for our upcoming research on the Built Environment and Wellbeing through workshops, exhibitions, and public engagement. (The image is taken from the Bartlett website.)

Fifth Sense Festive Fundraising Appeal

November 27, 2023

Christmas is a tough time for those living with a smell or taste disorder. Smells and tastes are such a big part of the festive season, and not being able to taste your Christmas meal, enjoy the scent of the fragrance purchased for a loved one or even smell your Christmas tree can make it a difficult, isolating time. And it is even harder when there is such a lack of recognition, support, and treatments for these sensory impairments. 

Fifth Sense, despite being a small team, has made a significant impact, but there is much more work to be done, and they need your support. This Christmas, they invite us to demonstrate our support for Fifth Sense through donations, fundraising efforts, or spreading the word. Click here to find out more and contribute to their cause.

UCL-Tohoku University Strategic Partner Fund 

November 10, 2023

We are delighted to announce our success in securing the UCL-Tohoku University Strategic Partner Fund 2023 for our project: 'A Cross-Cultural Dialogue on the Potential of the Sense of Smell for Health and Wellbeing.' The project aims to to foster a cross-cultural dialogue on the possibilities around the sense of smell both from the perspective of co-creating and shaping a culture of ‘smell care’ (i.e. enhanced appreciation for the sense of smell in everyday life, wellbeing, and health) and​ exploring the importance of smell as a nonverbal communication medium. We look forward to advancing meaningful discussions and insights through this exciting cross-cultural endeavor!

Towards Universal Chemosensory Testing (TUCT) Conference

November 5-7, 2023

We participated in the Towards Universal Chemosensory Testing (TUCT) Conference held at the Monell Center in Philadelphia. The TUCT conference is a multi-stakeholder series of events aimed at enhancing disease risk detection and overall well-being through smell and taste screening. 

Our primary investigator, Marianna Obrist, and project partner, Duncan Boak, were speakers in the event. Marianna delivered a presentation on the emergence of digital technology for smell health and well-being. Duncan shared Fifth Sense’s collaborative work with the NHS, Cadent Gas Ltd. (the UK’s largest gas distribution network), Fire and Rescue Service, and others to pilot smell testing in home, workplace, and public health settings.

Smell Care at Fifth Sense Conference 

November 4, 2023

We took part in the Fifth Sense Conference, held at Sheffield Hallam University. The event served as a crucial platform for individuals with smell or taste disorders and their families to connect, exchange experiences, and share the latest advancements in research. 

During the conference, we presented our research and showcased a demo, receiving significant interest from the Fifth Sense community. Attendees had the privilege of hearing from leading researchers and gaining valuable perspectives on the most recent developments in sensory disorder research both in the UK and globally.

Smell Care at UCL Institute of Healthcare Engineering Symposium

October 19, 2023

Smell Care was at this year's UCL Institute of Healthcare Engineering symposium. We showcased our prototype with a live demonstration and took part in a dynamic Q&A panel discussion alongside our project partner, Duncan Boak, Chief Executive and Founder of Fifth Sense. Our participation added to the event's exciting lineup, which featured talks from leading healthcare researchers, and engaging presentations by researchers and patient duos sharing their experiences and the value of patient engagement.

In addition to our presence at the event, our very own Giada Brianza was featured in the Health in a Handbasket podcast series by IHE. She discussed our project, providing valuable insights into our work. To listen to her podcast episode, click here

Multisensory Interfaces at Global Innovation Symposium 

September 28, 2023

Our primary investigator, Marianna Obrist, and project partner, Emanuela Maggioni from OWidgets, recently participated in the 9th International Symposium on Dialogue for Global Innovation (DFGI-9) at the University of Oxford. This year's symposium, themed 'Technology and Humanity - Part 5: Advanced AI vs. Well-being, and Quantum Computing,' featured Emanuela as a panelist and Marianna as a speaker on multisensory interfaces for sensory well-being on digital smell technology.  

European Chemoreception Research Organization (ECRO) Meeting

September 21, 2023

At the recent European Chemoreception Research Organization (ECRO XXXIII) conference in Nijmegen, Netherlands, our team had the privilege of participating in this dynamic event dedicated to advancing research in chemosensory science. Alongside numerous engaging talks exploring the significance of smell and its impact on social interactions and eating behavior, we showcased our innovative work with a poster presentation on the Digitalization of Olfactory Training. 

Our Principal Investigator, Marianna, delivered a captivating keynote speech highlighting the role of multisensory stimulation and, especially, the importance of smell, taste, and touch and all the new technologies we are developing in the MSD (Multi Sensory Devices) group at UCL. She also talked about the Smell Care project and our mission to digitalise traditional olfactory training.

Smell Care at Collaborate to Innovate Conference

July 12, 2023

We were thrilled to be part of the Collaborate to Innovate event: Enabling Citizen-Centred Care, organized by the University of East Anglia (UEA) Health and Social Care Partners along with UEA Citizens Academy. Our contribution involved presenting our poster on the topic 'Screen Sharing and Joint Editing for Patient and Public Involvement (PPI)'. The feedback we received on our engagement with PPI was incredibly valuable, further enhancing our approach to fostering effective patient involvement.

Workshop at Designing Interactive Systems (DIS 2023) Conference

July 10, 2023

We were a part of the Scent InContext Workshop at the Designing Interactive Systems (DIS) Conference, which took place at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, USA. During this event, we engaged in insightful discussions with a diverse group of researchers from various disciplines, focusing on the design and development of smell in both public and private spaces.  We would like to thank all the co-organizers and participants for their valuable insights and engaging discussions.

You can read more about the workshop here.

Smell Care at Smell and Taste Disorders Symposium

May 12, 2023

We were delighted to participate in the Smell and Taste Disorders Symposium organized by the University of East Anglia and Fifth Sense. It was an enriching experience where we heard patient perspectives and gained insights from experts worldwide in the field of smell and taste. We also had the chance to showcase our prototype and received valuable feedback for our upcoming field study. Furthermore, we had the privilege of being featured on BBC Look East! We are already excitedly anticipating next year's event!

"Nose Gym" at CHI 2023 Conference

April 24, 2023

Our team just returned from CHI Conference premier, annual international Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) conference, with almost 4000 attendees, where we showcased our digital smell training prototype. We had the opportunity to engage in thought-provoking discussions with attendees from all over the world. Our prototype generated a buzz around the sense of smell and underscored the crucial role it plays in our daily lives.  

You can read our paper explaining the digital smell training prototype here and watch our short video.

Smell Care at Human Sensory Experiences Symposium

April 20, 2023

We had the pleasure of attending the Human Sensory Experiences Symposium at the University of Sussex. We showcased our prototype and discussed digital smell training. We are grateful to everyone who stopped by and provided valuable feedback on our work. Thank you for making the symposium a memorable and informative experience!

Exciting new campaign by our partner    Fifth Sense

February 27, 2023

On Anosmia Awareness Day 2023, our project partner Fifth Sense is launching a campaign calling greater recognition of the impact that smell and taste disorders have people's health, wellbeing and safety, along with better services, support and research to help those affected and their families.

Find out more here:

Hybrid PPI Panel Meeting

February 2023

We had our first hybrid Personal and Public Involvement (PPI) panel meeting! Great discussions and feedback 💬.

Thanks to all our partners and collaborators! And thanks to the UEA for hosting us! We are almost ready to kick off our Smell Care study...

Participatory Workshops

January 2023

We have conducted two participatory workshops with potential users of digital smell training. The invaluable contribution of the participants allow us to shape our next steps, in preparing I-smell for the six-month deployment study.

Many thanks to our wonderful participants!  

We will have more opportunities to engage. Upcoming events will be announced here. If you want to stay in touch please sign up for our newsletter that is coming along very soon!

Kick-off Meeting

October 2022

First hands-on, interactive & hybrid kick-off meeting of our EPSRC/NIHR I-smell project!

This is the start of a two-year project on engaging people in digital smell training, co-funded by EPSRC & NIHR.

A great team from UCL Computer Science and Bartlett School of Architecture, University of East Anglia, and our excellent partners FifthSense, Future Care Capital, and OWidgets: Smell Made Digital.